House Committee on Small Business
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Small Businesses, Economist Outline Devastating Effects of the President's Climate Action Plan

"...this will cause power plants to close, drive up power costs for households and businesses across the country."

WASHINGTON, D.C.— Yesterday, the House Small Business Subcommittee on Agriculture, Energy and Trade held a hearing to examine how small businesses would be affected by the President's Climate Action Plan. The witnesses overwhelmingly agreed that the plan is an unnecessary attack on American energy and jobs.

CLICK HERE to view a video of their comments from the hearing.


Dr. Bernard Weinstein, Professor, Southern Methodist University: The fact that America is rich, the fact that we’re abundant in energy, the fact that we have cheap energy is somehow a bad thing, and in fact, the availability of abundant and cheap energy is the basis for our international competitiveness. So why do we constantly talk about policies that are going to drive up the cost of energy.

Rep. Blaine Luetkemeyer: Thank you Mr. Chairman, I just have a comment before we get started here with regards to the EPA not showing up today, I am very sorry that did not happen. I think their lack of attendance shows a lack of respect for this committee, and the process that we, as Congressmen and as Congress, have for oversight. I also think it disrespects our panel, who they need to hear from. If they are going to promulgate rules and impact your lives and businesses, they need to hear from your side, so they have a better understanding of what their rules have, as far as consequences.

Prof. Weinstein:  As your committee’s own research has demonstrated, the regulatory burden and compliance costs facing small businesses are considerably higher than they are for large businesses, and that’s why it’s important for this committee and all committees in the U.S. Congress to look very carefully at the President’s proposed climate action plan, because those proposed will raise the cost of electricity.

Mr. James L. Brown, President, Bremen Castings, Bremen, IN: As an energy intensive manufacturer, I am very concerned about the consequences of the President’s plan, outlined on June 25th to regulate greenhouse gas emission from new, modified, and existing power plants on my foundry, other industries, and in manufacturing across the United States. I believe this new rule will cause power plants to close, drive up power costs for households and businesses across the country.

Prof. Weinstein:  When we talk about higher electricity costs, anything that affects business in general is going to affect small businesses disproportionately.  Small businesses are typically operating on thinner margins, they have to pay more for power, that’s really going to affect their bottom line.