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Media Advisories

“Oversight of the Small Business Administration and its Programs.”

Wednesday, July 28, 2010 | 12:00 | 7/28/10
On Wednesday, July 28th, the House Small Business Committee will hold a hearing entitled, “Oversight of the Small Business Administration and its Programs.” The hearing is being held to examine potential waste, fraud, and abuse within the Small Business Administration (SBA).

The hearing will take place in Room 2360 of the Rayburn House Office Building.

WHAT:  Hearing - “Oversight of the Small Business Administration 
                and its Programs”

WHEN:  Wednesday, July 28, 2010
                1:00 p.m.

WHERE:   2360 Rayburn House Office Building

Related Information

Press Release: Graves Frustrated by Continued SBA Failure to Resolve Fraud, Abuse Problems

Video: YouTube Playlist from “Oversight of the Small Business Administration and its Programs” Hearing

Articles: St. Joe News Press: Remember the Alamo, then fund it
             Federal News Radio: SBA to name new HUBZone director