FULL COMMITTEE MARKUP – The Committee on Small Business will hold a Full Committee markup on four bills.
DATE AND TIME: Thursday, September 14th at 9:45 AM
LOCATION: Hearing Room, 2360 Rayburn House Office Building
- HR 5424: Rep. Scholten & Luetkemeyer, The Main Street Competes Act (To amend the Small Business Economic Policy Act of 1980 to examine how the competitiveness of small businesses is affected by the enforcement of Federal antitrust laws, and for other purposes.);
- HR 5265: Reps. Alford & Pappas: The Small Business Administration Rural Performance Act;
- HR 5425: Rep. Golden & Mann, To amend the Small Business Act to enhance the Office of Rural Affairs, and for other purposes;
- HR 5426: Rep. Van Duyne & Landsman, To require the Administrator of the Small Business Administration to provide a link to resources for submitting reports on suspected fraud relating to certain COVID–19 loans.; and
- HR 5427: Rep. Williams & Mfume, To prohibit individuals convicted of defrauding the Government from receiving any assistance from the Small Business Administration, and for other purposes.
TO ATTEND OR WATCH: This committee hearing is open to the public and can be viewed online on the Committee’s YouTube channel.