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First Coast News: Health Care Tax Credit Leaves Small Business Owner Disappointed

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By Ken Amaro; First Coast News Alex Bryant owns Weld Direct Corporation and was counting on a new federal tax credit to ease his ever-rising health insurance costs. But Bryant said while he thought the 35 percent tax credit would help, when he started investigating the benefits, the results surprised him. Bryant employs 17 workers at an average salary of $41,000 a year; he spends a…

Wall Street Journal: Obama Launches Rule Review, Pledging to Spur Jobs, Growth

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By Elizabeth Williamson; Wall Street Journal President Obama plans a government-wide review of federal regulations, aiming to eliminate rules that stymie economic growth. Jerry Seib has details. Plus, what is Apple's succession plan? In an article published in the opinion pages of The Wall Street Journal, Mr. Obama said he intends to issue an executive order initiating a review to…

Washington Times: Spending-Cut Myths can be Dispelled by Facts

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By Brian Riedl; Washington Times Federal spending has expanded by $726 billion over the past three years, and now exceeds $30,000 per household. Yet if history is any guide, lawmakers looking to rein in spending and deficits will hear the following four fallacious objections: Myth 1: Large entitlements cannot be reformed. Stale conventional wisdom has long held that the public will…

National Review: The Democrats’ Small-Business Policy: Keep Them Small

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By Hanns Kuttner; National Review Online Freshman Rep. Mick Mulvaney (R., S.C.) made a good point in the House debate on H.R. 2, the Repeal the Job-Killing Health Care Law Act. Responding to Rep. Nydia Velazquez, last year’s chair of the House Small Business Committee, Mulvaney pointed out the tough spot in which congressional Democrats find themselves. They have contradictory…

Washington Monthly: Do Small Business a Simple Favor

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By Jeffrey Leonard; Washington Monthly History shows that small businesses are a key component of national recovery in economic downtimes. But in today’s sputtering job market, these traditional engines of growth and employment are limping along at best. Many small firms are handicapped by a new twist on an old parasitic business practice that large corporations are using in the wake…

The Hill: House GOP to move quickly on healthcare 1099 tax repeal

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By Pete Kasperowicz; The Hill Republicans signaled Wednesday that repealing a controversial tax provision in the healthcare law is one of their most pressing priorities. House Republicans have re-numbered the bill repealing the tax requirement as H.R. 4, signaling it will be one of their first pieces of business. The bill would repeal language requiring companies, starting in 2012,…

Washington Times: Chamber Chief: State of Business 'Improving'

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By Joseph Weber; Washington Times The head of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce Tuesday praised what he called a "new tone" in the Obama administration's dealings with the business community but warned that rising energy prices, the new health care law and a "regulatory tsunami" continue to hurt businesses and slow the drive to create more jobs. "We begin 2011 in a lot better shape than we…