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Wall Street Journal: Stimulating Unemployment

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 Wall Street Journal Presidents typically invite Americans to appear at Rose Garden press conferences to trumpet their policy successes, but yesterday we saw what may have been a first. President Obama introduced three Americans—an auto worker, a fitness center employee and a woman in real estate—who've been out of work so long they underscore the failure of his economic program. Where…

Bloomberg Business Week: The Small Business Jobs Bill: To Us, It's Meaningless

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By Gene Marks; Bloomberg Business Week I don't have much in common with my friend Rob. Rob (I'm changing his name here so he won't yell at me) owns a 60-employee roofing company near me in Oreland, Pa. I run a 10-person information technology consulting firm. Rob has tattoos snaking up both of his arms. I have a mosquito bite on my left shin. Rob spends his days outside, in all…

Wall Street Journal: Bernanke Urges Small-Business Lending

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By Tom Barkley; Wall Street Journal Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke urged banks and regulators Monday to seek out ways to ensure that small businesses get the credit they need to create jobs. “Making credit accessible to sound small businesses is crucial to our economic recovery and so should be front and center among our current policy challenges,” Bernanke said in prepared…

The Hill: Taxpayer advocate concerned by reporting mandate in health reform

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Tags: Health

By Jay Heflin; The Hill National Taxpayer Advocate Pam Olson on Wednesday raised concern in a report to Congress about requiring businesses to document most of its purchases to the IRS. To improve tax compliance, the recently enacted health reform bill mandates purchases of $600 or more by businesses, tax-exempt organizations, or federal, state and local governments be submitted to…

St. Joe News-Press: Graves: Financial bill will hinder growth

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By Ken Newton; St. Joe News Press President Obama said it would "put an end to the idea that any financial firm is too big to fail." Northwest Missouri Congressman Sam Graves countered that it ignores the voice of the entrepreneur. The comments marked the range of sentiments expressed after the U.S. House approved financial reform legislation on Wednesday. The chamber passed the Wall…

Kansas City Star: New jobless numbers fuel debate

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By Diane Stafford; Kansas City Star The argument over whether more government stimulus is needed to spark the economy intensified Friday with an anemic jobs report. While the unemployment rate fell to 9.5 percent in June from 9.7 percent in May, the decline occurred not because employers added jobs but because a huge number of workers — 650,000 — dropped out of the labor force.…

USA Today/Bloomberg News: Oil spill fund might not pay claims related to tourism

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By; USA Today/Bloomberg News The director who'll disperse $20 billion to victims of BP's oil spill warned Wednesday that companies hurt because tourists have stayed away from the Gulf region may not be eligible for reimbursement. Kenneth Feinberg, whom President Obama appointed to handle claims, told the House Small Business Committee in Washington that determining whether to pay…

Associated Press: Health overhaul to force changes in employer plans

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By Ricardo Alonso-Zaldivar; Associated Press Over and over in the health care debate, President Barack Obama said people who like their current coverage would be able to keep it. But an early draft of an administration regulation estimates that many employers will be forced to make changes to their health plans under the new law. In just three years, a majority of workers—51…

Wall Street Journal Editorial: American Jobbery

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Wall Street Journal President Obama and Democrats on Capitol Hill are publicly fretting about the dangers of spending and debt, which can mean only one thing: Another big spending "stimulus" bill is in the works. And sure enough, the House plans to vote this week on $190 billion in new spending, $134 billion of which it won't even pretend to pay for. Sander Levin, the new Ways and…

The Hill: Healthcare Law Tax Credits Encourage Small Businesses To Stay Small, Not Hire

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By Jay Heflin; The Hill A study by the National Center for Policy Analysis shows that tax credits in the new healthcare law could negatively impact small-business hiring decisions. The new law provides a 50 percent tax credit to companies offering health coverage that have fewer than 10 workers who, on average, earn $25,000 a year. The tax credit is reduced as more employees are added…