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Energy & Environment Daily: New GOP site aims to mobilize small businesses against rulemaking

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New GOP site aims to mobilize small businesses against rulemaking By John McArdle, Environment and Energy Daily House Small Business Committee Republicans today will launch a new effort aimed at getting small business owners more involved in the federal rulemaking process. "Small Biz Reg Watch" is designed as an early alert system for regulations that would affect small companies,…

Bloomberg Gov't: H.R. 6504, Loan Guarantees to Small Business

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Bloomberg Government: Bill Summary: H.R. 6504, Loan Guarantees to Small Business December 18, 2012 By Timothy R. Homan Limits for guaranteeing loans to participants in the Small Business Investment Company Program would be increased by $125 million under H.R. 6504. The measure would increase to $350 million, from $225 million, the cap on the amount of outstanding leverage…

House Small Business Chairman Pushes Back on Essential Benefits Rule

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CQ: House Small Business Chairman Pushes Back on Essential Benefits Rule December 12, 2012 By Jane Norman  Small businesses are concerned about the costs of the health care law’s essential health benefits provisions as more information emerges about how they will be implemented, according to a letter the chairman of the House Committee on Small Business is sending to the…

Small Firms Fret Over Higher Taxes

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The Wall Street Journal: Small Firms Fret Over Higher Taxes December 6, 2012 By Emily Maltby As President Barack Obama and Republicans in Congress debate how to address the nation's deficit and avoid the so-called fiscal cliff, some small-business owners are getting a chance to air their complaints. On Wednesday, 15 business owners made a case against Mr. Obama's proposal to allow…

The Hill: GOP-led committee releases guides for implementing health law

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Tags: Health

The Hill: GOP-led committee releases guides for implementing health law By Elise Viebeck The House Small Business Committee is releasing documents to help businesspeople comply with President Obama's healthcare law. The panel's Republican leader, Rep. Sam Graves (R-Mo.), said his team is dedicated to helping small businesses meet requirements that will take effect in 2013 and 2014.…