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In Case You Missed It

In Case You Missed It: Ranking Member Graves Radio Guest on "Build Your Business

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On March 22, 2010, Ranking Member Sam Graves appeared as a radio guest on the show "Build Your Business"  During the show, Ranking Member Graves discusses how the unstable policies of Washington have caused small businesses economic uncertainty and why small businesses deserve a commitment to economic growth and job creation. Click here to listen to the show.

In Case You Missed It: Biggest Loser of 'Reform': Small Biz

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Tags: Health

Small businesses have the highest hopes for health reform, but they'd be big losers under the bills Congress is debating. For more than 20 years, small-business owners have listed health costs as their No. 1 concern. But leading "reform" bills would make things worse -- ballooning expenses for firms that now offer insurance and slamming companies that can't afford the benefit. The…

In Case You Missed It: H.R. 3614 Passes and Extends SBIR and other SBA Programs to Small Businesses

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Today Ranking Member Sam Graves (R-MO) of the House Small Business Committee spoke on the Floor in support of H.R. 3614.  The bill will extend all of the Small Business Administration (SBA) programs currently scheduled to expire on September 30, 2009 through October 31, 2009.  Included in the extension is a correction to the America’s Recovery Capital (ARC) loan program giving small…

In Case You Missed It: “Death of Small Business in America”

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Tags: Health, Energy

Yesterday, Fox News’ Glenn Beck held a small business roundtable with small business owners from all over the country. They discussed how President Obama and Speaker Pelosi’s health care reform legislation and the cap and trade tax would devastate small business owners and lead to further job losses. View Clip Here.

In Case You Missed It: “The Majority has no plans to protect small businesses in any health care plan that comes to this floor."

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Tags: Health

Today, Ranking Member Sam Graves spoke in opposition to the Rule for the FY10 Labor, HHS, and Education Appropriations Act.  The Rule failed to make in order Ranking Member Graves’ amendment that would have  protected small businesses from mandates in Speaker Pelosi’s health care legislation View Clip here