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ICYMI - VIDEO: Rep. Jeff Landry Highlights Unnecessary Regulations That Are Killing Gulf Jobs

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Rep. Jeff Landry Highlights Unnecessary Regulations That Are Killing Gulf Jobs "It’s hard to work and earn a living under those regulations" "Now tell me how regulations are not smothering our economy" CLICK HERE to view During today’s House Small Business Committee hearing to examine the impact on federal regulations on small…

ICYMI - Chairman Graves in Roll Call: Small Businesses Key to Economic Recovery

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Graves: Small Businesses Key to Economic Recovery By Rep. Sam Graves Special to Roll Call June 9, 2011 On Friday it was announced that once again many Americans were handed a pink slip instead of a paycheck. May’s disappointing unemployment numbers are more proof of the failed big-government policies of the Obama administration and are why we…

ICYMI - VIDEO: Graves: Small Businesses Will Not “Step Up and Hire” Until They Have Certainty and Relief from Crippling Taxes and Energy Costs

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Graves: Small Businesses Will Not “Step Up and Hire” Until They Have Certainty and Relief from Crippling Taxes and Energy Costs House Small Business Committee Chairman Sam Graves (R-MO) appeared on Fox Business' DC Report to discuss May’s disappointing jobs report.     Click on the video player to watch the interview

ICYMI - VIDEO: Small Business Owner & Banking Official Disagree With The President: "Federal Regulators Are Impacting Access To Capital"

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Small Business Owner & Banking Official Disagree With The President: "Federal Regulators Are Impacting Access To Capital" "FDIC regulators are inconsistently applying regulations throughout the banking community" CLICK HERE to view the video of the question and answer.   Earlier today, the House Small Business Committee held a full…

Congresswoman Renee Ellmers (R-NC) Talks National Small Business Week on the The Lars Larson Show

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Congresswoman Renee Ellmers (R-NC) Talks National Small Business Week on the The Lars Larson Show “As we [the federal government] continue to make it harder for our small businesses to do business… What does that equal? That equals lost jobs. Every time it cost one of our small businesses more money to adhere to a…

Chairman Graves Slams The DISCLOSE Executive Order on Fox News

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Chairman Graves Slams The DISCLOSE Executive Order on Fox News “Most of the companies that we asked to testify today declined to do so because they were in fear of retribution from the Administration for just testifying on this particular issue.”  CLICK HERE to view the interview. House Small Business Committee…

ICYMI - Small Firms Need New Markets

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Small Firms Need New Markets  By Rep. Sam Graves May 9, 2011   Navigating the trials of international trade barriers is akin to “watching a cow poke its head through a sharp barbwire fence and struggle to get that next piece of greenery,” said John Taylor, President of T-Tech Inc., a leading manufacturer of printed circuit board prototyping systems. Located in Norcross,…

ICYMI - Small Businesses Severely Hurt by High Energy Prices

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Tags: Energy

    Small Businesses Severely Hurt by High Energy Prices by Rep. Sam Graves April 27, 2011 Over the course of the last two years, the cost of energy has skyrocketed. Since President Barack Obama took office, gas prices have doubled — with some cities averaging over $4 per gallon. These increases are crippling small businesses and American families. In fact, seven out of ten…

ICYMI - Tax Simplification Will Help Small Business Thrive

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  Tax Simplification Will Help Small Business Thrive by Rep. Sam Graves April 20, 2011   As the April 18 IRS deadline passed, many American families and small-business owners breathed a collective sigh of relief after the stress of getting their taxes filed on time.  The United States tax code is a complex and contradictory…