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RealClearMarkets: Healthcare's Impact On the Low-Skilled Worker

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Tags: Health

By Diana Furchtgott-Roth; RealClearMarkets Low-skilled workers have some of the highest unemployment rates in America. Adults without high school diplomas face an unemployment rate of 14.5%, almost three times as high as rates for college graduates, and well above the national average of 9.7%. The unemployment rate for teens, another low-skill group, is 26%. Reasonable people likely…

CNN Money: Health care law's massive, hidden tax change

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By Neil deMause; CNN Money An all-but-overlooked provision of the health reform law is threatening to swamp U.S. businesses with a flood of new tax paperwork. Section 9006 of the health care bill -- just a few lines buried in the 2,409-page document -- mandates that beginning in 2012 all companies will have to issue 1099 tax forms not just to contract workers but to any individual or…

Business Week: Big Banks' Small-Business Lending Promises

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By John Tozzi, Business Week Are banks lending more to small businesses? It's hard to say. What's called "small business lending" cuts across several business lines at most banks, from real estate to credit cards, and few lenders report separate figures for small businesses. Still, late last year, under pressure from the White House to increase credit to Main Street, several of the…

Wall Street Journal: A Centrist Agenda for Economic Growth

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From the Wall Street Journal Opinion Section; By Jim Owens, chairman and CEO of Caterpillar, Inc.   The long-term health of the U.S. economy is at risk. There are signs of recovery from the worst recession since the Great Depression. But not enough. We need a renewed, centrist political agenda to support economic policies that will enhance our global competitiveness. America cannot…

KTEN Online: Clean Water Act--Will the Federal Gov. have access to your water?

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By Christina Lusby, KTEN Online It's a bill some claim could take away private property rights of land owners.  A word change in the 1972 Clean Water Act could grant Federal access to small bodies of water such as small streams and creeks. The Clean Water Act has helped keep drinking water in the United States clean for more than 30 years, but now with the proposed change to the word…

Straight Talk: Small Biz Trade Policy, SBA Extension and More

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Friends: This week, the President traveled to my home state of Missouri to talk to workers at a biorefining plant about job creation and the economy.  The President discussed the important role that increased domestic energy resources will play in our recovery, but he failed to mention the overwhelming benefits that expanding trade opportunities for American businesses could have on our…

“Evaluating the Impact of Small Business Trade Policy on Job Creation and Economic Growth”

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The House Committee on Small Business will hold a hearing on Wednesday, April 28, 2010 to examine the effect small business trade policy has on job creation and economic development.  WHAT:   “Evaluating the Impact of Small Business Trade Policy on                  Job Creation and Economic Growth” WHEN:   Wednesday, April 28, 2010                  1:00 p.m. WHERE:  2360…

Wall Street Journal: Obama Trade Goals Face Doubts

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By Sudeep Reddy, Wall Street Journal President Barack Obama's goal of doubling U.S. exports over the next five years will be difficult to meet, business leaders and economists say, because of the lack of momentum on demolishing trade barriers and the shift by more American companies toward producing overseas. U.S. exporters want Washington to put more pressure on trading partners to…

Hannibal Courier Post: Cap-and-trade could be sore spot on Obama visit

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By Brent Engel, Hannibal Courier-Post President Barack Obama likely will get an earful about cap-and-trade during his visit to the Tri-States. Cap-and-trade is a system of regulating pollution. The federal government would limit the amount of emissions that companies, manufacturers and utilities could produce. The permits could be traded among licensees. Opponents call it government…

Straight Talk: Access to Capital for Small Biz, Oversight of the SBA and More

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Friends: As a farmer, I know that to achieve the greatest yields on my land, I need to take care of my property.  Farmers are the greatest stewards of the land – it is in their best interest.  However, I grow increasingly frustrated when the government dictates how I can use my property, as if it knows better than people whose livelihoods depend on the land. This week, House Committee…