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Small Biz Straight Talk


This week in Washington, the Administration and Majority leaders renewed their push for a job-killing government takeover of health care.  The President has indicated that he wants Congress to pass a bill by March 18th, despite the fact that the American people have rallied against the legislation. 

As currently structured, the health care reform plan would place a severe strain on small businesses across the country, hitting them with higher taxes, additional mandates and more government regulations.  I know that we can craft responsible reform legislation that will address the problems in our health care system without unfairly punishing small businesses, slowing economic growth or piling more debt on future generations.  My Republican colleagues and I will continue to fight in Congress for small business owners and entrepreneurs nationwide, and urge the Majority to join us in starting over on a new reform bill.

Sam Graves

News from Ranking Member Sam Graves and Committee Republicans

• Ranking Member Sam Graves’ (R-MO) in The Hill: “It’s Time For A Commitment To Real Growth” 

• Ranking Member Graves’ statement on the latest disappointing jobs numbers

• Ranking Member Graves joined Republican Leadership in introducing a Resolution of Disapproval on the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) carbon dioxide endangerment finding

• Ranking Member Graves on job creation in the St. Joe News

• Rep. Lynn A. Westmoreland (R-GA) on the Majority’s jobs bill: “Yet another jobs bill that won't create jobs

• Rep. Steve King (R-IA),  Rep. Mary Fallin (R-OK) and Rep. Blaine Luetkemeyer (R-MO) each signed on as a co-sponsor on the Resolution of Disapproval on the EPA’s endangerment finding

• Rep. Steve King had an op-ed published in the Omaha World Herald: “True economic stimulus can be achieved with FairTax

• Rep. Vern Buchanan’s (R-FL) comments appeared in the Bradenton Herald: “Bankers: Tight rules restrict lending

• Rep. Mike Coffman (R-CO) issued a release titled “Obama's Rhetoric Doesn't Meet Reality

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Must-Reads from the Week

CNN Money: First spark of a jobs recovery

Administration and the SBA

• On Wednesday, President Obama launched his latest effort to get a $950 billion health care bill passed before the next recess.  It is now clear that all options, including a controversial procedure known as reconciliation, are on the table..  The President plans to hit the road next week to convince wavering Americans and Members of Congress that doing “whatever it takes” to pass health care is in the best interest of the country.  However, polls still report that Americans remain unenthusiastic about the Majority’s health care reform proposals. 

• According to a Small Business Administration (SBA) press release, a proposed rule has been announced that seeks to expand federal contracting opportunities for women-owned small businesses.  The general public has 60 days to comment on the rule.   

• The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) and SBA held a discussion on Thursday about how increased broadband access can be helpful for small businesses.  On March 17th, the FCC plans to release its National Broadband Plan. 

Review of House Activity

• On Thursday, the House passed a $15 billion “jobs” bill (H.R. 2847) despite bipartisan concerns that the legislation fails to address the underlying problems that are preventing job growth in America.  The bill contains a suspension of payroll taxes for employers who hire new workers who meet certain criteria; a $1,000 tax credit for retaining employees; increased expensing of new equipment purchased by small businesses in 2010; and expanded tax credit bonds.

• House Republican Leaders introduced a Resolution of Disapproval on the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) carbon dioxide endangerment finding.  The resolution (H.J.Res.77) would prevent the Administration from implementing job-killing regulations that could flow from this finding.  Click here to read more.

Review of Senate Activity

• On Tuesday, the Senate passed legislation temporarily extending several expiring federal programs, including unemployment benefits; COBRA premium assistance; the highway trust fund; the increase in Medicare physician payments; the flood insurance program; and the SBA loan fee waiver from the Democrats' stimulus bill.  Under current law, the programs expired on February 28, 2010.  The President signed the extension into law the same day.    

• On Tuesday, the Senate Committee on Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs held a hearing titled, “Restoring Credit to Main Street: Proposals to Fix Small Business Borrowing and Lending Problems.”  Senators Carl Levin (D-MI) and Debbie Stabenow (D-MI), representatives from the American Bankers Association, Independent Community Bankers Association and the Cambridge Winter Center for Financial Institutions Policy, participated in the hearing.

• The Senate Small Business and Entrepreneurship Committee held a markup on Thursday of S. 2989, the Small Business Contracting Revitalization Act of 2010.  The legislation awaits consideration on the Senate floor.  For more information and to view opening statements, please click here.

House Small Business Committee hearing summary this week

On Thursday, the House Small Business Committee held a markup of the Small Business Administration’s Budget for Fiscal Year 2011. Read more here.

Other Small Business News off The Hill

• The NFIB released a study “Small Business: Credit in a Deep Recession

• The NFIB published its February edition of “Small Business Economic Trends

