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ICYMI: Despite Birthday Celebrations, the Blistering Truth About Obamacare and Small Businesses

ICYMI: Despite Birthday Celebrations, the Blistering Truth About Obamacare and Small Businesses

WASHINGTON - In the lead-up to the Obama administration's self-congratulatory celebration of the 5th anniversary of Obamacare today, national newspapers this weekend published a blistering account from the Associated Press of the law's crippling affect on American small businesses.

Highlights from the report:

“Complying with the health care law is costing small businesses thousands of dollars that they didn't have to spend before the new regulations went into effect.”

 “Many small businesses don't have the human resources departments or computer systems that large companies have, making it harder to handle the paperwork."

 “To pay for the extra services the business is getting from his broker, [small business manager Mike] Patton cut back on workers' bonuses and raises.”

 “Complying with the law costs small businesses more than $15,000 a year.

 On his employees facing another year of no bonuses or raises: “They understand it didn't emanate from us," Patton says. 

This report and the anniversary come just weeks after Small Business Committee Chairman Steve Chabot (R-OH) requested answers from HHS Secretary Sylvia Burwell on the faulty tax information sent to more than 800,000 Americans and how this latest glitch impacts the Small Business Health Options Programs (SHOPs).
