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Chairman Williams Releases Statement on Weak GDP Results

Statement on Q1 GDP

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, Chairman Roger Williams (R-TX) issued the following statement on today’s GDP data showing the economy slowed to a 1.1% annual rate.

“Despite what President Biden may say, his presidency has been an abject disaster for Main Street and for the pocketbooks of all working-class Americans,” said Chairman Williams. “Whether it be two years of unprecedented levels of inflation caused by runaway government spending, or interest rates rising at the fastest pace since the 1980s, this economy is not working for Main Street. These kitchen table issues are keeping far too many of our country’s entrepreneurs up at night and today’s GDP numbers showing our economy decelerated more than expected to just an anemic 1.1% is further proof of these existing challenges. Main Street America needs economic environment that works for them and one that helps set our nation’s job creators on a pathway to success.”
