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Committee Republicans Pen Letter to Administrator Regan of the EPA on the Impact of New Rule Changes on Small Businesses

Committee Republicans Pen Letter to EPA

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, Congressman Roger Williams (R-TX), Chairman of the House Committee on Small Business, along with Congressman Pete Stauber (R-MN), Congresswoman Beth Van Duyne (R-TX), and Congresswoman Maria Salazar (R-FL) issued the following statements after sending a letter to Administrator Regan of the Environmental Protection Agency regarding a new regulation and its potentially adverse impacts on small businesses.

“Federal agencies are required to conduct an analysis to determine the cost their regulations will have on our nation’s small businesses,” said Chairman Williams. “Unfortunately, we have seen agencies continually treat this requirement as a check-the-box exercise. In the recent EPA rulemaking that would affect as many as 10,000 small businesses, the agency estimated that this new regulation will cost small businesses anywhere between $800 and $10 million dollars to implement. This ridiculously wide-ranging cost estimate is an insult to the small businesses that will have to bear the brunt of this overburdensome regulation. Agencies must start taking their statutory requirements seriously, and I look forward to hearing how the EPA could possibly justify this asinine cost estimate.”


“EPA’s proposed PCE rule is yet another in a long list of the Biden Administration’s burdensome regulations that will crush our small businesses,” said Rep. Stauber. “That’s why I joined Chairman Williams and my colleagues in writing Administrator Regan demanding evaluation and consideration of small business interests and asking how specifically these regulations will impact small businesses, particularly given the steep costs associated with this rule. Instead of adding more red tape, Washington should be helping small businesses on Main Street America prosper.”


“Once again, Biden’s bloated bureaucracy is acting without regard for our nation’s job creators,” said Rep. Van Duyne. “This proposed rule is a slap in the face to the thousands of small business owners who are already feeling the pain of Biden-flation and could now be forced to cough up as much as $10 million just to remain in compliance with federal regulations. As the Biden Administration continues to ignore the concerns of Main Street, my colleagues and I are fighting to save the American dream for future generations.”


“Our small businesses are suffering from overregulation, and the Biden Administration seems to not understand the pain,” said Rep. Salazar. “I’m proud to join my colleagues on the House Small Business Committee to demand answers for President Biden’s unruly EPA policies that are hurting Mom-and-Pop dry cleaners in Miami. Our federal agencies need to recognize how their regulations affect Main Street America.”

Read the full letter to the Environmental Protection Agency here.


Signatories of the letter addressed to the EPA include Chairman Roger Williams (R-TX), Rep. Pete Stauber (R-MN), Rep. Dan Meuser (R-PA), Rep. Beth Van Duyne (R-TX), Rep. Maria Salazar (R-FL), and Rep. Jake Ellzey (R-TX).
