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Chairman Williams: “Burdensome Regulations: Examining the Effects of DOE Regulations on America’s Job Creators”

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, the House Committee on Small Business is holding a full committee hearing titled “Burdensome Regulations: Examining the Effects of DOE Regulations on America’s Job Creators.

Chairman Roger Williams’ opening statement as prepared for delivery:

Good morning, and welcome to today’s hearing which will focus on examining the detrimental effects of the Department of Energy’s regulations on our nation’s job creators. 

The Biden Administration seemingly has it out for Main Street America. Through their misguided economic policies and increased regulatory requirements, small businesses are finding it harder to make ends meet. Rather than looking for growth opportunities, small businesses are being forced to play defense in order to deal with a whole host of new regulations coming down the pipeline.

President Biden’s Energy Department has been especially active the past few years in passing new rules that have dramatic repercussions on small businesses. By implementing tighter energy efficiency standards, manufacturers are being forced to change significant portions of their operations. This is increasing the cost of producing this equipment, which is ultimately passed along to businesses and the American people.

These actions are forcing Main Street America to foot the bill for this Administration’s radical climate agenda. Inflation remains a top concern for our job creators, yet the DOE’s new regulations on gas stoves, ceiling fans, and transformers are increasing costs for businesses and consumers alike. Not only are these new standards forcing businesses to purchase updated equipment, but they are reducing consumer choice in the marketplace. Competition and consumer preference should be what determines what is produced, not government mandates. These policies provide minimal benefit to our small businesses and only make it harder for them to operate. 

While small businesses suffer under this Administration, their concerns continue to be ignored. It is the job of this Committee to be Main Street’s voice in Washington, and we are proud to have this hearing to shine a light on the devastating effects of these new actions taken by the Biden Administration.

If we want to ensure America continues to have a thriving small business economy, our agencies must do better by listening to Main Street throughout the rulemaking process and limit the negative impacts of new regulations.

The government should be in the business of ensuring the economy works for Americans and guaranteeing regulations aren’t hamstringing job creators. This Committee’s goal is to ensure Main Street America is given a fair shot at the American Dream.

Our nation’s job creators have been forced to endure profound challenges over the past couple of years. I hope this hearing helps spotlight some of the detrimental consequences of this Administration’s regulatory policies and will help us come up with solutions to support our nation’s small businesses.

Again, I want to thank you all again for being here with us today, and I am looking forward to today’s conversation.

With that, I will yield to our distinguished Ranking Member from New York, Ms. Velázquez.
