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The House Committee on Small Business Reports Seven Bills Favorably to the House

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, Congressman Roger Williams (TX-25), Chairman of the House Committee on Small Business, led a full Committee markup where all seven bills considered were passed by the Committee. Chairman Williams issued the following statement after today’s markup.

“I am proud of this Committee’s bipartisan ability to advance legislation that will ensure that federal regulations work for the American people instead of against them,” said Chairman Roger Williams. “The legislation we passed out of Committee today supports our shared belief that small business’ success in the marketplace should be based upon the merit of their work rather than their ability to compete against the government.”


H.R. 1642: “Connecting Small Businesses with Career and Technical Education Graduates Act of 2025” – introduced by Rep. Williams (R-TX).

·         The bill amends the Small Business Act to add a requirement for Small Business Development Centers (SBDCs) and Women’s Business Centers (WBCs) to educate small businesses on identifying career opportunities for graduates of career and technical programs. It also requires SBDCs and WBCs to assist graduates of such programs who want to start a small business of their own.

·         Adopted and Reported Favorably to the House: 25 Yea, 0 Nay.

H.R. 789: “Transparency and Predictability in Small Business Opportunities Act” – introduced by Rep. Latimer (D-NY).

·         The bill requires the Small Business Administration (SBA) to promulgate rules directing agencies to disclose information and justify canceled contract solicitations. This bill also requires agencies to assist small businesses that prepared a bid on those solicitations to identify similar contracting opportunities.

·         Adopted and Reported Favorably to the House: 25 Yea, 0 Nay.

H.R. 787: “Plain Language in Contracting Act” – introduced by Rep. LaLota (R-NY).

·         The bill requires agencies to write contract solicitations in a clear, concise, and accessible manner. A Department of Defense-only version of this bill was passed in the FY2025 National Defense Authorization Act.

·         Adopted and Reported Favorably to the House: 25 Yea, 0 Nay.

H.R. 1621: “Entrepreneurs with Disabilities Reporting Act of 2025” – introduced by Rep. McGarvey (D-KY).

·         The bill requires the SBA to issue a report to Congress on the barriers entrepreneurs with disabilities face when starting and operating a business within 180 days of the bill's enactment.

·         Adopted and Reported Favorably to the House: 25 Yea, 0 Nay.

H.R. 1634: “The ThinkDIFFERENTLY About Disability Employment Act” – introduced by Rep. Stauber (R-MN).

·         The bill requires the SBA and National Council on Disability (NCD) to enter into a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to collaborate on entrepreneurship and employment opportunities for individuals with disabilities. The bill also requires the agencies to submit a report to Congress on the successes of and opportunities for improvement on activities carried out in the MOU within two years of enactment.

·         Adopted and Reported Favorably to the House: 25 Yea, 0 Nay.

H.R. 1816: “WOSB Accountability Act” – introduced by Rep. Velázquez (D-NY).

·         The bill requires the SBA to count only certified women-owned small businesses (WOSB) in the SBA Small Business Procurement Scorecard, removing the incentive to self-certify as a WOSB. This bill addresses one of two statutorily required small business procurement goals to include contracts won by self-certified firms.

·         Adopted and Reported Favorably to the House: 25 Yea, 0 Nay.

H.R. 1804: “7(a) Loan Agent Oversight Act” – introduced by Rep. Meuser (R-PA).

·         The bill requires the Office of Credit Risk Management (OCRM) of the SBA to submit an annual report to Congress regarding the performance, cost, and risks associated with loan agent activity.

·         Adopted and Reported Favorably to the House: 25 Yea, 0 Nay.