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The Startup Movement

Wednesday, November 20, 2013 | 01:00 | Full Committee

On Wednesday, November 20, 2013, at 1:00 P.M., the Committee on Small Business held a hearing titled,  The Startup Movement. The hearing was held in Room 2360 of the Rayburn House Office Building.

The purpose of the hearing  was to examine the importance of startups to the economy and receive testimony on whether distinctions between startups and small businesses necessitate different policies.

Opening Statement:

Sam Graves (R-MO)

Witnesses and Testimony:

  •  Mr. Adam Arredondo, Co-Leader, Kansas City Startup Village, Kansas City, KS
  •  Ms. Allison Lami Sawyer, CEO and Founder, Rebellion Photonics, Houston, TX
  •  Mr. Jeff Reid, Founding Director of the Georgetown Entrepreneurship Initiative, McDonough School of Business, Georgetown University, Washington, DC
  •   Mr. Anton Gelman, CEO, Cont3nt, Dulles, VA

    Additional Items:

  • Hearing Notice
  • Witness List
  • Hearing Memo
  • Hearing Video
  • Press Release