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ICYMI - Fox Business: Lawmakers: SBIR Reauthorization Will Spur Job Growth

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  Lawmakers: SBIR Reauthorization Will Spur Job Growth By Kate Rogers April 07, 2011 The House of Representatives’ Small Business Subcommittee on Healthcare and Technology met Thursday for a hearing on "Creating Jobs Through Small Business Innovation." At the center of the hearing was a push from both House Democrats and Republicans to reauthorize the Small Business Innovation…

ICYMI- Chairman Graves: Stronger Regulatory Enforcement Will Spur Small Business Job Creation

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Stronger Regulatory Enforcement Will Spur Small Business Job Creation By Sam Graves April 6, 2011 By Sam GravesApril 6, 2011   Small businesses are the cornerstone of the American economy. They employ over half of the country’s private sector workforce and create seven out of every ten new jobs. The answer to our country’s long-term…

ICYMI - Spending Cuts Mean More Small Business Job Creation

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    Spending Cuts Mean More Small Business Job Creation By Rep. Sam Graves (R-MO) March 17, 2011 At the start of the 112th Congress, my fellow Republicans and I made a commitment to turn the country’s economy around and get Americans back to work. Over the past two years in the minority, we could do little as…

ICYMI - Spending Cuts Mean More Small Business Job Creation

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Spending Cuts Mean More Small Business Job Creation By Rep. Sam Graves (R-MO) March 17, 2011 At the start of the 112th Congress, my fellow Republicans and I made a commitment to turn the country’s economy around and get Americans back to work. Over the past two years in the minority, we could do little as the Obama Administration’s and Nancy Pelosi’s reckless spending increased our…

ICYMI - Small Business Subcommittee Chairman Mike Coffman Talks Small Business Job Creation on C-SPAN’s Washington Journal

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House Small Business Subcommittee Chairman Mike Coffman Talks Small Business Job Creation, the Federal Budget And Our Massive Debt on C-SPAN’s Washington Journal Rep. Mike Coffman (R-CO), Chairman of the Small Business Subcommittee on Investigations, Oversight and Regulations, appeared on C-SPAN’s Washington…

The Hill: Let’s Get Serious About Job Creation

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The Hill: Let’s Get Serious About Job Creation By Rep. Sam Graves (R-MO) March 9, 2011 Our nation is facing one of the toughest economic climates since the Great Depression. The unemployment rate has been 8.9% or more for 23 months. The amount of time that the average job seeker has been unemployed is about 37 weeks, the highest average in history. These staggering statistics don’t…

ICYMI - Let’s Get Serious About Job Creation

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The Hill: Let’s Get Serious About Job Creation By Rep. Sam Graves (R-MO) March 9, 2011 Our nation is facing one of the toughest economic climates since the Great Depression. The unemployment rate has been 8.9% or more for 23 months. The amount of time that the average job seeker has been unemployed is about 37 weeks, the highest average in history. These staggering statistics don’t…

Small Business Fact Sheet: How the Health Care Overhaul Affects Businesses in America

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Tags: Health

In these difficult economic times, our government needs to take every step to make sure small businesses can thrive.  These employers have created seven out of every ten jobs in recent decades, and with unemployment still hovering around ten percent, it is clear that small businesses will play a critical role in stabilizing our economy.  However, instead of encouraging job creation…