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Wall Street Journal: Smaller Firms Still Hesitant to Hire

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By Sarah Needleman; Wall Street Journal When it comes to hiring, Main Street remains reluctant to fully open its doors. U.S. small businesses continued to hire in November, this time adding the most jobs in a month's time in nearly three years, according to payroll company Automatic Data Processing Inc. But job growth remains modest compared with prerecession years, and many…

Investor's Business Daily: The Job-Killer Tax

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By Investor's Business Daily Tax Policy: The only issue in this week's talks between President Obama and congressional Republicans is whether to extend all the Bush tax cuts or just those on the middle class. Anything less than all will be a failure. Tuesday's two-hour meeting produced no agreement. Obama tried to sound chipper, calling the meeting "civil." But he warned, "There's no…

Free Enterprise: House Small Business Leader Calls For Tax Extension, Spending Restraints

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By Free Enterprise Congress should provide small business owners with certainty and extend the Bush tax rates for everyone, according to House Small Business Ranking Member Sam Graves (R-MO). “What the American people want is certainty, including dealing with the 2001-2003 tax policy,” Graves told members of the U.S. Chamber’s Small Business Council on November 16. “Hopefully, we’ll…

Bloomberg Business Week: Small Business: Still Waiting for Recovery

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By John Tozzi; Bloomberg Business Week The recovery that began in the middle of last year hasn't reached small businesses yet. While corporate profits approach pre-recession levels, income at small private companies is recovering much more slowly, according to data from the Bureau of Economic Analysis. Proprietors' income—the profits of unincorporated businesses such as partnerships or…

Wall Street Journal: Tax Hikes and the Small Business Job Machine

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By John Engler and Jerry Howard; Wall Street Journal  Speaking at his first cabinet meeting after the midterm election, President Obama repeated his familiar call for extending the current tax rates for middle-class families. He also vowed to support business. "We've got to provide businesses some certainty about what their tax landscape is going to look like, and we've got to provide…

Portfolio: It's Main Street vs. Wall Street at the Fed

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By Steve Rosenbush; Portfolio Conservative lawmakers and economists are pressing the Federal Reserve to drop its monetary-driven agenda for promoting economic growth in favor of the small-business platform of lower taxes and less regulation. The Wall Street Journal reported Monday that a growing movement, which includes conservative luminaries, such as former Bear Stearns economist and…

Financial Times: US Banks See Demand for Business Loans Drop

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By Robin Harding; Financial Times Bank loan officers say that demand for loans from small US companies fell in the past three months, casting doubt on how much the Federal Reserve can stimulate the economy. Twenty-nine per cent of banks said that demand for loans from companies with sales below $50m had fallen, compared with only 7.1 per cent of banks that reported a rise, according…

Fox Business: How Higher Taxes Will Impact Your Small Business

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By Gail Buckner; Fox Business What’s the most common form of business in this country?  (Hint: it’s not “corporation.”)  In fact, the United States is the only developed nation in the world where the majority of companies are not what the IRS calls “C” corporations -- the kind that make up the S&P 500.  Instead, according to Brad Close of the National Federation of Independent…