House Committee on Small Business, Republicans
Straight Talk: 112th Congress Convenes, Health Care Repeal Bill Introduced and More...
Weekly Update from Sam


The 112th Congress officially convened on Wednesday.  We have a big job ahead of us.  Unemployment remains high and millions of people are out of work.  Entrepreneurs are struggling to create jobs and grow their businesses amid threats of higher taxes and more unmanageable federal mandates.  Our economic recovery has been erratic, at best.

For too long, leaders in Washington have taken advantage of the trust bestowed upon them by the American people and allowed our country to continue on an unsustainable path of record spending and debt.  However, I am pleased to report that we took an important step this week to address the one of the greatest challenges facing our nation: runaway federal spending. 

On Thursday, the House approved a resolution to cut Congressional budgets, a move that will immediately save taxpayers $35 million. As Chairman of the House Small Business Committee, I know that entrepreneurs have to make tough decisions each month to maintain a responsible budget and keep their businesses running.  It is past time for the government to do the same. In the 112th Congress, the Small Business Committee will fight to help restore fiscal sanity in Washington and make sure the government is held to the same standards as American business owners and families. 

Sam Graves
Ranking Member

Latest Committee Action
There are no hearing scheduled in the House Small Business Committee next week.  As we begin holding hearings in the 112th Congress, we will be posting relevant hearing materials, including opening statements, transcripts, witness testimony, videos and more on our website at Check the website often for the latest news and hearing schedule.

If you would like up-to-the-minute updates on Small Business Committee action, follow us on Twitter @SmallBizGOP.
News from Washington

On Wednesday, Majority Leader Eric Cantor introduced H.R. 2, a bill to repeal the job-killing health care lawThe legislation can be viewed here.  House Speaker John Boehner and Leader Cantor later released a report outlining the importance of repealing the health care law.  The House plans to consider the repeal legislation next week. 

Also on Wednesday, the House approved H.Res. 5, a privileged resolution adopting House Rules for the 112th Congress.  Some key rules for this Congress include establishing a point of order that would prevent a bill from being considered in the House if it had not been available to Members for three calendar days and a requirement that all legislation cite Constitutional authority.  You can read a detailed analysis of the new rules package here.

January 7, 2011
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