During Thursday’s Senate Small Business Committee hearing on small business regulations, the Small Business Administration’s (SBA) Chief Counsel for Advocacy, Winslow Sargeant, called for a repeal of the 1099 Reporting Rule in the health care law. Mr. Sargeant stated that the 1099 requirement “will greatly increase the reporting and recordkeeping burdens on small businesses.”
The Senate has approved legislation (H.R. 5712) to temporarily prevent the 23 percent reduction in Medicare reimbursement levels that was scheduled to take effect on December 1st. The legislation extends the existing 2.2% increase in reimbursement levels (passed in June) through December. The House is expected to consider the bill on November 29th.
On Thursday, House Republicans united to pass a historic ban on earmarks in the 112th Congress. According to the nonpartisan organization Citizens Against Government Waste, there were 9,129 earmarked projects inserted into the Fiscal Year 2010 appropriations bills, totaling $16.5 billion.
Finally, the House did not approve H.R. 6419, the Emergency Unemployment Compensation Continuation Act. This bill would have extended unemployment benefits through February 2011 and added an estimated $12 billion to the deficit. Because the bill failed, some unemployment benefits may expire on November 30th.