Weekly Update from Sam |
Earlier today, the U.S. Department of Labor released the latest unemployment report for January. The results are mixed; the unemployment rate fell to 9 percent, but 13.86 million Americans are still out of work.
Generating jobs is one of our nation’s greatest challenges these days – only 36,000 jobs were created in January. We can do better, but not through the Administration’s plans for more stimulus spending and debt. That didn’t work before, and it won’t work now.
The entrepreneurs who can pull our nation out of this unemployment rut need to see a return to fiscal sanity in Washington before they can create jobs and reinvest in our economy - that’s why my colleagues and I are fighting to cut up the credit cards and rein in the unsustainable federal spending binge. American families and business owners have been dealing with instability and uncertainty for far too long – it’s time to get a lasting recovery underway.
Sam Graves
Latest Committee Action |
The House Small Business Committee will hold a hearing entitled “Buried in Paperwork: A 1099 Update” on Wednesday, February 9th. The hearing, which will take place in Room 2360 of the Rayburn House Office Building at 1:00 p.m., will examine the harmful impact that the health care law’s 1099 provision could have on small business job creation and investment.
During the hearing, the Committee will hear testimony from Representative Daniel Lungren (R-CA), sponsor of legislation to repeal the 1099 reporting mandate. Additionally, testimony will be delivered by small business owners.
To learn more about the hearing, click here. If you would like to stay up-to-date on the latest Small Business Committee news, follow us on Twitter @SmallBizGOP.
News from Washington |
This week, the House of Representatives was not in session due to a Constituent Work Week.
On Wednesday, the Senate voted down a Republican effort to fully repeal the health care law. However, the Senate successfully approved an amendment that would repeal the 1099 reporting mandate, illustrating that there is bipartisan and bicameral support for a repeal of the mandate.
February 4, 2011 |
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