House Committee on Small Business, Republicans
Straight Talk- National Small Biz Week, Fighting the President’s Attempt to Politicize the Contracting Process
Weekly Update from Sam
Dear Friends,

On Thursday, the House Small Business Committee 
held a joint hearing with the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee to examine President Obama’s proposed Executive Order mandating the disclosure of political donations by government contractors as a prerequisite to receiving a government contract. During the hearing, we evaluated its impact on small businesses and our constitutional right to free speech.

Many of our witnesses agreed with me that our federal government shouldn’t be asking who’s a Democrat and who’s a Republican in the procurement process. They ought to be asking who can get the job done well and for the least amount of taxpayer money. During a Fox News interview on Thursday, I also expressed my concern as to why the administration would need this information before making the award.


Click on the video graphic above to watch the interview

On another note, next week is the 48th annual National Small Business Week. Republican Members of the House Small Business Committee will celebrate American small firms by holding small business forums and listening sessions in their Congressional districts across America. Feel free to check our website to keep up with what we are doing in districts across America.

Sam Graves


Latest Committee Action

On Wednesday, the House Small Business Committee held a full Committee markup of the Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) and Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) reauthorization bill. The Creating Jobs Through Small Business Innovation Act of 2011 (H.R. 1425) would reauthorize the SBIR and STTR programs for three years, increase Phase I and Phase II award sizes for both programs, and allow for greater participation of small companies in the programs regardless of their financial structure—at no additional cost to American taxpayers.

On Thursday, Congressman Mike Coffman (R-CO), Chairman of the House Small Business Subcommittee on Investigations, Oversight and Regulations, held a hearing to examine Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) regulations that kill jobs and stifle small business growth, specifically those related to the Clean Air Act and the Resources Conservation and Recovery Act.

Next week, May 16-20, the House will not be in session.

News From Washington

With gas prices soaring near five dollars a gallon, House Republicans took action this week to decrease energy costs. On Wednesday, the House passed the Putting the Gulf of Mexico Back to Work Act (H.R. 1229) and on Thursday, H.R. 1231 was passed to reverse President Obama’s offshore drilling moratorium. Both pieces of legislation are common sense solutions that will expand American energy production and help bring down prices.

On Friday, the House passed the Intelligence Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2011 (H.R. 754) to authorize intelligence activities of the United States government.  These activities are intended to enhance national security, support and assist the Armed Forces, and facilitate U.S. foreign policy.  

Notable Op-eds


Small Firms Need New Markets 
By Chairman Sam Graves (R-MO)


Small Business Grants Can Grow Economy
By Rep. Renee Ellmers (R-NC)

May 13, 2011
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